OASN School Nurse of the Year

Submission Information

Do you know an outstanding Licensed School Nurse (LSN) who you would like recognized for her significant contributions to school nursing and school health? Nominate that LSN for the Ohio School Nurse of the Year.  

Each year, the Ohio Association of School Nurses (OASN) honors an outstanding school nurse with the OASN School Nurse of the Year Award. Each Region is asked to nominate at least one candidate for this honor and a panel of qualified experienced judges determines the final award winner who is recognized throughout the year and honored at a reception at our annual conference.

Submission Deadline for Nominations: midnight,  JANUARY 15th of the submission year
Submit electronic versions of all materials to:  Glasner.ExDir.oasn@gmail.com

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Sandra Glasner, OASN Executive Director by email or by phone.

SNOY Submission Guidelines

SNOY Nomination Form

SNOY Application Criteria

* A National School Nurse of the Year is no longer awarded. The award has been replaced by the Excellence in School Nursing -award.

Past Award Recipients

1982-1983: Roberta Maloney, Southwest
1983-1984: Miriam Alexander, Northeast
1984-1985: Ann Ostermeyer, Northeast
1985-1986: Pauline Keubler, Northeast
1986-1987: Gretchen Rice, Central
1987-1988: Sue Will, Southeast
1988-1989: Pat Baum, Central
1989-1990: Bev Klitz, Southwest
1990-1991: Dian Partlow, Southeast
1991-1992: Joy Wehagen, Northeast
1992-1993: Kathy Rowland, Central
1993-1994: Diana Tirpak, Northeast -- Also the recipient of the National School Nurse of the Year award in 1994 *
1994-1995: Mary Jo McCandlish, Central
1995-1996: Linda Hilvert, Southwest
1996-1997: Betty Holton, Southwest
1997-1998: Nancy Rini, Central -- Also the recipient of the National School Nurse of the Year award in 1998 *
1998-1999: Opal Sherman, Northwest
1999-2000: Evelyn Wisham, Northeast
2000-2001: Shery Bjerke, Central
2001-2002: Kathy O’Dell, Southwest
2002-2003: Linda Miller, Central
2003-2004: Gail Pohlman, Southeast
2004-2005: Kathy Strasser, Southwest
2005-2006: Debbie Strouse, Central
2006-2007: Norma Nikkola, Southwest -- Also the recipient of the National School Nurse of the Year award in 2007 *
2007-2008: Eva Garchar, Southwest
2008-2009: Aurelia Barney, Northeast
2009-2010: Joan Keith, Central
2010-2011: Heidi Steiner, Northeast
2011-2012: Carol Lynne O’Neil, Central
2012-2013: Maureen Knowles, Northwest
2013-2014: no recipient
2014-2015: Annette Scott, Southeast
2015-2016: Kim Carpenter, Central
2016-2017: Peggy Sutton, Northwest
2017-2018: Sherdina Williams MEd, RN, LSN, Northeast
2018-2019: Judy Marrinan MEd, MSA, BSN, RN LSN, Southwest
2019-2020 Diane Miller BSN, MEd, RN Southwest 
2020-2021 no nominations/no recipients
2021-2022 Dawn Abbott MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN Southwest
2022-2023 Kelly Wagner MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN, Central

2023-2024 Virginia Shaffer MS, BSN, RN, LSN, Central

Current Award Recipient

Virginia Shaffer
Virginia Shaffer, MS, BSN, RN, LSN is this year’s Ohio Association of School Nurses 2024 School Nurse of the Year. Virginia is the Diabetes Resource Nurse for the Columbus Public School District. She has been a licensed school nurse for 14 years, effectively holding positions as a building nurse for students in the elementary, middle, and high school grade levels. She provided care for students who were medically complex, students from other countries, and students with special education needs. As the Diabetes Resource Nurse she coordinates evidence-based care for 180 students with diabetes, provides staff education and training, supports students with diabetes and their families, and acts as the liaison between school administrators and community healthcare providers.

"I am extremely honored and grateful to be named Ohio School Nurse of the Year.", said Virginia. "I work with a tremendous group of school nurses in Columbus City Schools and in the state of Ohio. I am passionate about serving our children and am humbled to be recognized by my peers for this award. I am blessed to have colleagues that acknowledge my dedication and constantly inspire me to continue doing this important work."

Virginia will be recognized and receive her award at the Annual Ohio Association of School Nurses’ conference on April 19, 2024 at Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio.